Monday, December 11, 2017

P52 - Week 50 - Recipe for Academic Success

"So you think you want to be a (Renaissance) Baker?!"

Wonder Boy cooked up (yes, sad little pun intended!) this "game show" idea as part of a project for his World History class. I thought it was a pretty clever way to tackle the project. Many of the kids in class paired up to work on this project, but the Boy found himself the odd man out this time, so he had to get creative in a way to involve others without actually making them part of the work-side of the project.

As part of the project, he had to bake some fresh bread using a recipe for "Rustic Rye Bread" we found on-line. It turned out GREAT and I'm glad that we got to enjoy that part of the project at home (he only needed photos of him baking for the project).

I say it a lot, but I'm going to repeat myself here: I am SO PROUD of the effort that the Boy puts into his school work! As has become "the norm" for the end of a semester, he is bogged down with multiple projects and exams - all with due dates before the holiday break! But he just puts his head down and gets his work done. And as proud as I feel about the grades he brings home, it is his effort and attention to detail that truly warm my heart!

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